“Zike Is Radically Redefining The Industry”
Article by Antoy Grant
Green Lit By Mike McCuen
Video Courtesy of Melissa Averell & Zike.net

Zike logo bikes

Zike LLC is a revolutionary company with a passion for creating the next generation of revolutionary new human powered products.

Zike’s new freestyle hybrid scooters (also called Zike) are an innovative combination of both a scooter and a bicycle – unlike any other on the planet.

This innovative company offers a wide selection of Zike products for all ages, in a variety of designer sizes, styles and colors. In addition to the Z100, Z150 and Z600, Zike’s products have cool names that reflect the energy of each product, like the Hot Shot, Fly By, Slingshot and Saber.

Adult and childhood obesity is now a national epidemic endangering the quality of life for many. Ziking synergistically engages the major muscle groups to deliver a total body fitness fun experience.


Improved Posture: We teach our kids to observe good posture so that they may avoid back problems as adults. Ziking naturally encourages improved posture.

Joint Impact: Easier on bones and joints than running.

Z100 Bikes

Improves Balance and coordination: “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” Ziking engages constant coordination of the whole body, while major muscle groups work together to maintain balance.

Cardio & Pulmonary: Breathe deep and enjoy the wind in your face! Ziking delivers superior aerobic and cardiovascular fitness freedom!


Burn More Calories: Why be stuck in the gym watching the clock? Ziking offers a superior calorie burn while both time and scenery quickly fly by. Burn up the calories, burn up the road!

Unparalleled Riding Performance: Einstein taught us that matter and energy are interchangeable. Using a powerful patented leverage principal, Zike utilizes both the rider’s energy and weight to catapult beyond yesterday’s ride.


Dr. Leon A. Dickerson, retired orthopedic spine and pediatric surgery specialist, stated the following medical opinion while studying the Zike in action.


– “With 1/3 of our children’s population being classified as ‘obese,’ Zike has developed a beneficial means of giving kids a great, healthy exercise disguised as fun. While bicycle riding, push scooter, and skateboarding are beneficial forms of exercise, they do not have the magnitude of effect the Zike does. The Zike’s are designed to strengthen both sides of the body while reinforcing good posture for kids.

– Riding a Zike increases one’s heart rate to an optimum aerobic level in short order. Continued use maintains the heart rate in the targeted zone providing ideal moderate-level cardiovascular exercise.

– Zike riding also burns calories at a rate equivalent to step aerobics and rowing (burns in excess of 600 calories per hour). The major muscles involved in powering the Zike are the calf muscle, thigh muscles and gluteus muscles while some trunk extension muscles and ankle muscles are also involved. The smooth, flat pedal motion of the Zike scooter is a lower-impact exercise that produces less pressure on joints and bones.”

With 27 patents pending, Zike has pioneered a radical rethink. From meeting the needs of green initiatives to fighting childhood obesity, Zike’s vision is leading the way in showing the world a whole new generation of scooters and bikes. From fun and exercise to transportation, Zike is launching a whole new way of looking at the Magic of Motion!

To Find Out More & Order Your Zike: www.zike.net

For Updates & Upcoming Events: Facebook & Twitter


Mailing Address:
902 N. Pleasantburg Drive
Greenville, SC 29607

office: 864.335.9327
marketing: 864.918.1400
operations: 864.525.6864
email: info@zike.net

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