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Greenlit by Antoy Grant

Lanuage: ENGLISH
Length: 27 mins

Moussa and Laila remember their own wedding day as they prepare for Mariam’s wedding. Mariam sits with the women of her family to prepare. Laila’s relieved to find out that Dawud will be attending the wedding.

The women work to braid Mariam’s hair. Noura shares a story about ten wedding guests who waited for a groom. Five brought extra oil for their lamps. The groom was late. The five that hadn’t brought extra oil, asked the other five for oil. But they couldn’t lend the oil. The five foolish guests tried to go out and find oil. But by the time they got back, the wedding party had left. She encourages Mariam to stay ready for the arrival of God. Yacoub won’t be able to lend his own relationship with Jesus to her. She must cultivate her own.

Rivka remembers the words of the apostle Peter. He said braiding your hair and wearing fine clothes and jewelry doesn’t make you beautiful. But true beauty comes from within.

Sara shares the story about Mary and Martha. She says Jesus came to see the sisters. Martha was preoccupied by the preparations to be made for Jesus. But Mary was happy to sit at the feet of Jesus. Sara admits she’s like Martha. She worries. But she advises Mariam to spend time with God and she’ll find peace.

Laila encourages Mariam to enjoy her time with Yacoub and make the Lord her first priority. Mariam thanks her mother for everything.

Yacoub arrives to take Mariam to the wedding. Dawud’s there too. They march through the streets and enjoy the ceremony… until there’s a knock at the door. Roman soldiers storm in and arrest Dawud. Laila faints, coughing.

What words of wisdom do the women give Mariam?
How do they each reflect and spiritual truth Mariam should remember?
What can you do to make your walk with God your highest priority?

In preparation for marriage, the women in Mariam’s life give her advice that’s actually good for everyone, regardless of status. Noura tells her the wedding guests parable from Matthew 25:1-13. It warns us that we have no idea when Jesus will come for us. We should stay vigilant and in relationship with Him. Those who are prepared won’t be able to lend us their preparedness. So our relationship with Jesus should be a top priority.

Sara shares a similar story when she mentions Mary and Martha from the Bible (Luke 10:38-41). Mary was happy to sit at the feet of Jesus and didn’t worry about worldly expectations. Anyone can be like Mary and find contentment in sitting at the feet of Jesus no matter the circumstance they might find themselves in.

“I know what it’s like to not have what I need. I also know what it’s like to have more than I need. I have learned the secret of being content no matter what happens. I am content whether I am well fed or hungry. I am content whether I have more than enough or not enough. I can do everything by the power of Christ. He gives me strength” (Philippians 4:12-13). Paul speaks about being content in everything because Jesus alone is enough. No matter the situation, this is unchanging. By making that relationship our highest priority, and recognizing it above worldly matters, we can find contentment in everything.


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