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Greenlit by Antoy Grant

Lanuage: ENGLISH
Length: 25 mins

Moussa complains about his blindness as Dawud prepares for work. Dawud asks permission to share his story with the family when they come to celebrate the baby’s birth. Moussa begrudgingly agrees.

When they’ve all gathered, Dawud apologizes for the trouble at the wedding. He starts by telling them about his mother’s faith in Jesus. Laila had shared her faith with Dawud. But he thought she had been led away from their religion. When he was in prison, he knew many people prayed for him.

He says that when he was in prison, a man appeared to him. The man’s eyes glowed like fire. Everything Dawud had ever done was presented by the man. Dawud wept and worshipped Jesus while the other prisoners slept. He says he’s learned that when man and woman were created, they had a relationship with God. But when they disobeyed, that relationship was broken. So God provided Jesus to die for their sins.

The family grumbles and asks about the prophets and the Scriptures. Ayoub answers that Jesus fulfilled everything the prophets said. Dawud declares that Jesus has saved his life. The family asks why they should believe. Dawud says Jesus was raised from the dead. Rivka’s asked to speak about Mary Magdalene’s experience with the risen Jesus. She tells how Mary saw the empty tomb and spoke with Jesus.

Dawud says that if they believe in the Lord Jesus and are baptized in His name, they can be saved from their sin and shame. Moussa says they’ve said enough.

Outside, Daliyah says she’s been thinking about Jesus and Dawud’s story. She doesn’t understand but she wants to believe. She’s afraid. She’s never actually seen Jesus. Mariam encourages her to ask God what’s true. They pray together.

Rivka and Mariam watch the sunset together. They marvel over everything that’s happened. Mariam declares she knows that God is with them.

What has Dawud learned since his encounter in prison?
What do Mariam and Daliyah talk about while they wash dishes?
How can you share your faith?

Dawud shares his story, along with other things he’s learned since then, with others in the family. When we follow Jesus, we receive the power of the Spirit and the call to share the gospel with others.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. Then you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem. You will be My witnesses in all Judea and Samaria. And you will be My witnesses from one end of the earth to the other” (Acts 1:8).

“So you must go and makes disciples of all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey everything I have commanded you. And you can be sure that I am always with you, to the very end” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Instead of relying on one person’s opinion, we need to point people back to Jesus and the truth of Scripture. Ayoub uses Scripture when he answers the family doubts about Jesus. “But the servant was pierced because we had sinned. He was crushed because we had done what was evil. He was punished to make us whole again. His wounds have healed us” (Isaiah 53:5).


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