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Greenlit by Antoy Grant

Lanuage: ENGLISH
Length: 4 mins

A slightly obsessive vinyl fanatic searches for his missing record.

Connecting over a film is more about listening and sharing. The questions below only serve as a springboard.

Pick your favorites and see what stories you discover along the way.
– What do you think of the story?
– What one word comes to mind when you think of this film?
– Why does he care so much about his one record?
– Why does losing something, or being lost, cause such a feeling of panic?
– What have you lost that would cause you to throw a party if you got it back?
– If you were lost, how would you feel if someone searched for you like this?
– Have you ever felt like God was searching for you? Maybe for instance, things happen that you knew couldn’t be just coincidence or luck. What was this like for you?

This story is inspired by an ancient, famous story about a lost coin. A woman had lost a coin, which was about a day’s wages. She searched her whole house until she found it. Once she did, she went to all her neighbors asking them to celebrate with her.

When Jesus told this story, he wanted people to understand how important each person is to Him. He will never give up on you. He will never stop pursuing you because He cares so much for you.

Like the man in the film or the woman in Jesus’ story, Jesus knows that we find that which is most important to us when we are connected with Him in a personal relationship.

To have this personal relationship, we must acknowledge that we are imperfect and that our imperfection separates us from God, who is perfect. There is nothing we can do on our own to reach God. Only God’s Son Jesus is able to bridge that gap for us through His death and resurrection.

God is waiting for you to respond to His initiatives toward you.

Would you like to begin that kind of friendship with God and find what you’re searching for most?

If yes, great. Prayer, just talking to God, is an easy way to express that desire. If not, what’s keeping you from that?


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